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    Building sustainable homes for a better future.


    At MexLucky we are dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and protecting our planet. Through our work, we strive to build homes that are not only beautiful and functional but also environmentally responsible.

    In preparation for the changes coming to NSW BASIX regulations our in-house design team are committed to creating a comprehensive BASIX Series. This series is designed to guide you through the essential design elements required to ensure that your new home meets the BASIX 7-Star standard. With our extensive knowledge our team have already achieved 7-Star homes for our Design Collection.


    BASIX Series. Join us in shaping a better future for our planet.


    Our in-house design team of experienced architects, architectural designers, builders, sustainability experts and energy assessor are committed to crafting homes with an impressive 7-star rating. Dive into our informative BASIX Series where our in-house experts analyse the critical design elements such as orientation, insulation, ventilation, lighting, windows, and appliances, among others.

    01. Orientation
    02. Windows
    03. Insulation
    04. Lighter Roof Colours
    05. Ceiling Fans
    06. Energy Usage
    07. Understanding 'Whole of Home' Measurement
    08. Process

    Let's Design Your 7-Star Home

    If you are interested in a custom design project with MexLucky and would like to design a 7-start home, please fill in the form below and one of our consultants will be in contact.